During the course 'Design Management,' I worked on making a book with three other students. We acted as a small company who helps to construct a more effective and cooperative communication between the different departments inside a corporate culture, to eventually create a more powerful company, with a more pleasant environment for employees, employers and customers.


The course focuses on quality improvement in design which lies in the cooperation and alignment of all design related activities in organizations. The role of design management is to plan, process and coordinate design activities, source the relevant experts and integrate the activities into the overall company process. In order to create value from the effort done by various designers working for a company, design has to be embedded into the companies' processes and culture. Only if design is 'managed' it can unleash it's full potential for companies, their stakeholders and customers.


We applied a methodology to understand the strategic and operational demands of design management in the development of a branded customer experience in the form of a book. We positioned our own specialties and expertises as designers within the larger context of a branded environment.

D E S I G N   M A N A G E M E N T

B 1.2

During the course 'Design Management,' I worked on making a book with three other students. We acted as a small company who helps to construct a more effective and cooperative communication between the different departments inside a corporate culture, to eventually create a more powerful company, with a more pleasant environment for employees, employers and customers.


The course focuses on quality improvement in design which lies in the cooperation and alignment of all design related activities in organizations. The role of design management is to plan, process and coordinate design activities, source the relevant experts and integrate the activities into the overall company process. In order to create value from the effort done by various designers working for a company, design has to be embedded into the companies' processes and culture. Only if design is 'managed' it can unleash it's full potential for companies, their stakeholders and customers.


We applied a methodology to understand the strategic and operational demands of design management in the development of a branded customer experience in the form of a book. We positioned our own specialties and expertises as designers within the larger context of a branded environment.

Read our book