M A K I N G   S E N S E

O F   S E N S O R S

M A K I N G   S E N S E   O F   S E N S O R S

B 2.2

Before starting the course of ‘Making Sense of Sensors,’ I usually tried to collect data by sending out questionnaires and doing interviews with users to get insight into their opinions. However, collecting data, with for example a MiBand, can be much more reliable than an interview or a survey. I learned how to analyse such data and I learned the importance of the ethical aspects of gathering data.

Usually, I am the leader in the group, but as someone else took on this role, I took the opportunity to move more towards the background this time. This is something I am not used to and learned from, I let others speak up more and tried to go more with the flow of the project. Nevertheless, I still did my part of the work. I wrote part of the paper, mostly focussed on the introduction and the research question and dived into the ethical aspects of the research. Just like the rest of my group, I obtained and exported the data from my office worker.


I am quite new when it comes to writing papers, doing research and obtaining data. This means that this course was very helpful and informative for me when it comes to my development as a designer and student. Since I dove into the ethical aspects of the research, like the FAIR principles, I learned a lot about the importance of ethics in research and work in general.

Read our report

Read my reflection